Year Three Homework Page
Friday 13th December 2024
Upcoming dates for your diary:
18th December - Christmas Lunch Party. The children come into school in their party clothes.
20th December - School closes at midday for the holidays
7th January - School reopens for children
Many thanks for your continued support.
1. Atom Learning
2. SUMDOG 'Friday 13th December'
3. Spellings - Next week, spellings will be tested on Thursday.
Children will be tested on their spellings every Friday.
It would be good practice for your child to include each word in a different sentence, to demonstrate that they understand how to use the word in context. Remember to underline the word that that has been included in the sentence.
Your weekly spellings are listed below. Spellings will be tested every Friday.
Group A | Group B | |||||||||||||||
Times tables - This is now up and running. The children will need their Purple Mash login details for this.
This half term the children will focus on all of the times tables up to and including the 12s. Learn these times tables forward, backwards and out of order. Please use times tables rock stars to practise.
Notes to Know This Week:
The children will bring home a reading book shortly based on their most recent Accelerated Reading assessment taken this week. In the meantime, please continue to encourage your child to read their current book everyday. Thank you for your paitence in this matter.
The AR quiz will be taken weekly and only then can your child change their book. Please ensure that your child is reading daily and you have listened to them read.
Each evening please read aloud to a member of your family. Remember to talk about the book.
What might happen next?
How do you think the character is feeling? Why do you think that?
What happened in the story?
Can you find a word that means the same as ............?
What is the definition of .........? If you don't know, can you find it in the dictionary?
Did you enjoy the story? Why?
Have you read a different story that has similar themes in to this story?
Remember to refer back to the text when answering the questions.
Recommended reading list for LKS2
Below are some useful reading cards to improve your child's comprehension skills.
Activity Cards year-3-writing-checklist
Year 3 Spag Booklet Year 3-and-4-spelling-list practising-cursive-letter-joins-activity-booklet-english_ver_7.pdf
Thank you for all your continued support and have a wonderful weekend.
Year 3 Team.