Castleview School

Pupil Premium

Statement in Regard to Pupil Premium Funding

All members of staff, governors and teaching assistants accept responsibility for our pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs. This is an essential, integral part of the development of the whole school community.

The pupil premium is a Government initiative that targets extra money at pupils from deprived backgrounds, which research shows underachieve compared to their peers. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils in reaching their full potential.

The Government have used pupils entitled to Free School Meals as an indicator for deprivation, and have deployed a fixed amount of money to schools per pupil who have been eligible for Free School meals in the last six years. Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continually for six months and a smaller amount for children of services personnel.

This fixed amount of money will increase every year of the course of this current Parliament.

At Castleview School, we used the PPG to overcome the main barriers to learning.  We will effectively use the Pupil Premium Grant to accelerate progress and ensure children meet at least age expected levels, if not exceed them. We aim to narrow the attainment gap between those children who receive the grant and those that do not. We will achieve this by:

  • Providing individual, small group and additional support in English and Maths
  • Supporting children in developing their emotional resilience, motivation and attitude to learning
  • Increasing the wider opportunities that pupil premium children receive to enable them to fully participate in all aspects of school life.


Pupil Premium Strategy 2024/2025